Why Tipsme?

We believe in the value of appreciation.

Tipsme is our response to the changing landscape of service industries, where digital interaction is becoming the norm. Our aim is to facilitate a culture of gratitude and recognition, ensuring that every 'thank you' is delivered, whether it's across the counter or across the globe. In doing so, we're not just supporting individual workers; we're fostering a global community built on the principles of generosity and respect.

Who Are We?

We are a dedicated team passionate about revolutionizing the way people interact with digital content.

At the heart of our mission is the desire to bridge connections through innovative solutions, making everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable. Our expertise spans technology, design, and user experience, allowing us to create products that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our users. Driven by creativity, guided by insights, and committed to excellence, we aim to be at the forefront of the digital revolution, transforming ideas into experiences that matter.

Meet the Team

Our leadership focus on innovation and cultivates appreciation.

Our leaders are all about new ideas and saying thanks. We're creating a team that's great at making new tech and really believes in the power of 'thank you'. Come with us on this adventure where we cheer for every big win and give a shout-out to everyone who helps.

Kadir Fuzaylov


Driving success with a people-first approach

Askar Fuzaylov


Leads with a visionary approach to technology